Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Year 2008...Never should have come

Year 2008 finally over... 2008 has been the best of the best and at the same time the worst of the worst.New Year start with new hope and new begining but the year 2009 for me means end of 2008 which itself is a new begining.

Every time a New Year is celebrated with lots of pomp and show all over the world, fire work and music beats. 2008 has been the same all throughout the year. All pomp-show been replaced by the deaths all across the country, fire work been replaced by series of bomb-blast and music beats been replaced by the crying humming of every victims of terrorism.

On the last day of the year I feel like a omen going to be over soon in next few hours. Number of bomb blast and terror attack has been at its height. Its was the worst year if one count the terror attack in India. 9 series of blast all in different cities and each series of blast occurred in frequent interval. It was hellish to feel that our life has been on the mercy of these terrorist in the year 2008.

If it was not enough the year end with imfamous 11/26 Mumbai attack. Its ironical that Mumbai has been in the news in 2008 for very unusual and shameful reason. Politics has been at such height that there was an attempt by some non-state Mumbai Indians who make an attempt to gain popularity by creating North Indian and Marathi manoos differences. Even before India got its Independence Bombay has been financial and economical hub which attract people all over the country. Bombay or Mumbai owe its "status" to the welcoming nature of of it own. Still the year 2008 has been a year where these Mumbai's togetherness and feeling of belongings has been murder which ultimately took few lives.

All not so bad though. It was great year for Indian Cricket. IPL has been such a big success that cricket has been in the pool of money even though rest of the world were facing the impact recession. With the success of IPL come the controversial China Olympic where China's humanity has been question over the territory of Tibet. Things hasn't been good or bad as far as Tibet and China were considered during the games but Beijing Olympic has been the best ever in Indian History. First ever Individual gold, two bronze has been beyond the expectations of many people. If that was not enough by the end of year four Indian pugilist end as quater-finalist in World Championship, Saina break to top 10, Indian cricket had an awesome run in all form of cricket and yet again the Chamipion Vishwanath Anand won the World Championship.

Life beyond sport there were dreams and struggle which were smashed by West Bengal politics at Nandigram. Nano project was a new hope for the industrial starve West Bengal. Old Rivalry between Mamta and Leftiest led to killing of poor farmers and many of those who survived ultimately lost their fertile land and option of a wages labour job in Nano plant. Now Nano project at Nandigram closed down, both the big Bengal political party licking their wound and as usual playing the blaming game together but the poor farmers were forgotten and left alone.

Yet again someone in Tihar is alive to see the end of another year and beginning of another new year. Afzal on the ground of terrorism was sentenced to death is still alive. A time when terrorism rule the country in their way more than Central government did, Terrorist Afzal breathing his life with just one single mercy petition to the President of India. 

All is not over and there was a success story of Chandrayaan, first step to India's mission to moon in 2008. ISRO deserve full credit for the success. Nuclear deal with US could be term as positive and good achievement for the Central government this year. Year 2008 has been another bombshell with Indian Hockey failed to qualify for the Summer Olympic.

At the end there is a cloud of war over India Pakistan. 11/26 attack won't let us forget the bad omen of 2008 ever. In short 2008 will be remember for crimes, terrorist activities and bloodshed. I wish Year 2009 turns to be a real New Year in all sense. I wish you all for the end of this rocky and dreadful 2008 ! May this world never see another year like 2008...Amen!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Love of the Life-Cricket

It's the year 1992. World Cup euphoria all around. I have by now developed an interest in cricket-as a sport. I could recall then (in the year 1992) a very slight flashback of couple of incident. First I saw some sort of excitement at my home and in my city, Calcutta (now Kolkata).I couldn't understand then why all of a sudden such an excitement and an atmosphere of cricket all around. Second flashback is on TV I saw Kapil Dev running up stairs ( which, now I understand actually Kapil is running to the pavilion) and (another incident)my uncle on TV who was in the stadium for the Final match. He came specially for the match from Duars-Northern hill regions of West Bengal. It was the 1987 World Cup.At that time cricket is just a game which according to me played with bat to hit the ball and score runs. The team to score highest runs wins.

After 5 year 1992-I have learnt few more things. We have to take wickets, we need to stop the batting team to score run, fielding is a part of defending your total so that your team's score can become the highest score. One name that was prominent in my mind-Sachin Tendulkar (who else). He was some sort of demi-God to me. Famous at the age of 17 years, success, win matches single handedly for India-the image of Sachin in my mind. I followed the 1992 World cup religiously- all the matches even those in which India wasn't playing. Things I didn't understand I bug others "why umpire did this; how it is out; what the meaning of the term commentator just said; what is the name of this shot; and heaven knows what hundreds of others questions.

After the world cup another cricketers came to fame-Anil Kumble. England toured India. Kumble bowling with spec took 30 wickets in the series. Since I too wear glasses he became my favourite players. He is an Engineer so I can now argue with my mother "Ones who is Good in sports can be good in studies too at the same time". Players like Sachin and Kumble became my Heroes and  role models whom I admire. I had a poster of Azhar in my room-collar up, little smile and grabing a pepsi. I used to copy his flicks and wrist shots at "gully cricket" in evening.

Year 1996 World Cup in India, by now cricket has became a religion for me. Players profile, data, records, figures all were in my mind. I can discuss and argue on cricket non stop at any given time. Cricket has became a passion for me and I became a fanatic of cricket. Now I just don't talk cricket. I discuss cricket, I analyze cricket. I start playing cricket for teams, clubs, schools. No movies, no stage show. My life was just school, studies, and Cricket.

After the 1996 World cup India tour England and players like Sourav Ganguly and Rahul Dravid came to headlines.  Since than for all most 10 years these players are like a real life Heroes who became the face of Indian cricket team. These players are inspiration to me for their passions, dedication, sincerity and success.

Today 9th November 2008 The Legendry Anil Kumble will say final adiue (officially he has retired) and our DADA Sourav Ganguly's last day on the field. How time goes by, a generation almost get over. Once I could never imagine Indian Team without these players. Today I wish Sachin and Dravid to retire on high note.

In India cricket is a must thing for people. I would say it only Sachin who is responsible for making all of us glued to TV. (Obviously 1983 World Cup is the one which make us believe that we have it in us to do-but I was exactly 1 years on that fateful day, 25th June 1983-knowing nothing about cricket). When there a India's match, no practice in evening but at 6:00am, after school straight back to home-no stop over at ice cream vendor stall or samosa stall and lunch at TV room. In inning break discussion and individual opinion with friends on phone and from balcony. It was as if whole life and world depends on the outcome of the match.

Today cricket may not be same for most of you compare to what it was some 8-10 years ago. For me cricket is still the same. I used to watch cricket at Pan shop for 6 hours standing, watch cricket at some shop standing out in scorching summer of Rajasthan, watch cricket whole night awake in US. For me cricket never change but cricket itself has changed. In early 1990's Test cricket was still the pinnacle, from there India for the first time host tri-nation tournament-Hero Cup in 1993. Today we talk about Twenty20, IPL and ICL.Those days we talked about win loss, today we talk about Yousuf back tracking between ICL, PCB, IPL, PCB, ICL....Cricket has changed. From soft team to aggressive Team India, from an image of "Lion at home, lamb outside" to Twenty20 World Champion...Change is there.

Today I would take the opportunity to thanks the adieu-ing cricketers who were once the Indian Team for me. I thanks Anil Kumble (mom-see Kumble the best spinner of India, he is an Engineer too...could you repeat what you just said :-) ). I thanks Sourav Ganguly (passion and feelings that he showed to cricket). I would like to thanks Sachin and Rahul too as today the core of my generation of Indian team is retiring.

Cricket has been the best thing to happen in my life. With these players retiring I am not sure whether cricket will be same for me, whether any cricketer will become demi-God for me, whether it will be religion for me anymore. Time will say whether Cricket will change for me, now! But my love for cricket will be the same. Change is a law of nature and things do change but something still never change...!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beijing Olympic 2008...India did it

24th August 2008-the curtain fell off and with it comes the end of Beijing Olympic 2008. As usual there were lots of moments to term as The Golden Moments. For me this Olympic has been the best for the India. The tally of 1 Gold and 2 Bronze for India is enough for me to be proud off...that the best in tally for India in history of Olympic

I remember the Athen Olympic 2004. I had hoped few medals but end up with just 1 silver. Though I wouldn't had been surprised if India would have end with similar result this time too but then I always dream of hopes getting fulfilled.

2008 Olympic start without Indian Hockey. Indian Hockey were the last to have won Gold medal. With high expectation in Archery, Shooting, Indian Express Tennis Duo and Anju Bobby George in Long Jump I started watching Olympic at my International Student office in Slutzkar,Syracuse.

After some initial dissapointment supporters like me got a surprise when hopes and shoulders were down. Abhinav Bindra won a Gold medal. Frankly I lost hope from him when rest other shooters lost their event considering the losses and traumas that Abhinave face in last two years.
Since then there is a hunger and hope for more medal and I was so optimistic about more medal that I make it my profile heading that I want more medals. I wasn't dissapointed this time. thanks to Suhil Kumar and Vijender Kumar India got 2 more medal, Bronze in wrestling and boxing.

That not all. This time there were lots of challenging and good showing by Indians. I would have like to celebrate these wins in bigger way but for the time being I had to celebrate the wins with Rasgulla and Julab Jammun only. Well when the desire hasn't been met that means story hasn't ended and so still looking for a chance to have a big celebration I prayed and keep my finger cross looking towards the 2012 London Olympic.

Since 1996 Leander's bronze medal India always won a medals hard work by Malleswari's Bronze in 2000 Sydney Olympic and Rajyavardhan Rathor's 2004 Athen Olympic. The trends keep moving upward and hope it will be in coming olympics too.

Another four year with all starting from scratch, a new begining and a new fight for a new Olympic....Over to London 2012 Olympic India Coming...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Biggest Moment of Indian cricket-Silver Jubilee

25th June 1983, Third Prudential World Cup, Lords, England...The beginning of Future-the day Indian Cricket was redefined. Last ball of 52nd over, Amarnath to Holding. Appealed and raised the index finger of umpire, rest as you all say is history. Kapil Dev's devils beat the mighty, giant and the champion West Indies.

25 years hence and the celebration of the silver jubilee; one of the finest and gloriest moment of Indian sport and Indian cricket. Cricket hasn't been the same thereafter. No one ever thought of India winning the cup and hardly anyone ever thought of them as an underdog.With nothing to loss and miles away from expectation and hopes, Indian team start the campaign with an upset win over the then cup holder Caribbeans. Match by match the tournament progressed and with that the Indian team booked their berth for the final. With hope in heart, dream in eyes and believe in self the 14 member Indian cricketers gave the nation a moment to rejoice, a moment of glory, a moment to feel proud.

54.4 overs and a mere 183 on the board and no way out Kapil's message to the rest "we have 183 runs and they have to get to 183 runs..." Greenidge bowled by Sandhu-the last hurdle has been jumped over, now only thing remained is to land safely on the ground. West Indies managed only 140 runs to gather and thus lost the World Cup to India.

That single win has such an effect in India that today whenever team leave for World cup there were poojas and prayers across the nation; when team loss...well...nation has seen the 1996 WC semifinal, 2003 WC after first loss to Australia in the league stage, 2007 WC after India was ousted in the first round players home were stoned, doors and gates were blackened, effigies were burnt and what not.

Cricket has became more than a sport today. It is a one that thing that drive the whole nation together. One evening at Lords in the summer of 1983 and cricket has been redefined forever. Today when looking back on that golden day of June 25th 1983 there is a feeling of pride, there is the inspiration message and motivational images, the feeling of self belief rise somewhere from the corner of heart and the dreams finally seem like chasable. Today while celebrating the day I wish Indian cricket a very Happy Anniversary on the occasion of 25 years of that great day...and yeah Happy Birthday to me too.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Bong Connection

This movie by Anjan Dutt 'Bong Connection', I couldn't have watched it at other better time then this at present. Its a movie about ones root and how much it means to him. Its about two guys. First guy NRI in US coming to India from US and other one a bong like me ( though not like me but atleast I am a bong too :) )going to US from India.

The NRI guy was harrased by cab driver when he landed in India and that will sure to happen most of the time, I am damn sure. The second guy , he mugged by a group of spanish speaking people, and ask me how much possibility is that to happen. As a residential security aide, during my on-campus part time job, I have seen and handle these cases very often.

Its a movie about two face of same culture. One pure Indian version and second american version of Bong culture and also there the Third face of Bangladesh, our neighbour once a part of India. When the two face come together it total mess. In India people tends to show off and westernised and in US Indians try try and try to be Indian.

I realised one thing and it is that I am a bengali but for some reason I have been saying,unknowlingly I am a Rajasthani Bengali. Today I came to know the reason it is because I have spent 12 years of my 25 year life in Rajasthan and so it comes up to me naturaly. Now I can't change myself. Even if I stay in US I can't become American. I will become second class US citizen and NRI (Non Required /Non Reliable Indian).

At the end of the movie both the guys went back to their land of brought up, where they belong. That what is a happy ending, mentaly atleast it is a happy ending---I am sure, very sure.

Life is about to live and so live the life with your identity. Dont borrow some second party's identity. After all, all born alone and will die alone too; and in between you get a chance to live your own's life. Why to waste that chance by intimidating someone else.

-----Change is a law of nature and the whole universe is governed and rule by this law, but at the end of the day there is something that never change.
You can intimate anyone, give up your citizenship, your nationality, your country but then at teh end of the day who you are.....haha....yes, things change but things never change.

Monday, December 10, 2007

saurov Ganguly-double century -8th Dec 2007

For a great player its not big news making a double century but for Saurav Ganguly it still is a big news. A player who have been written off, selector, coach and almost every concern office bearer were against him and those who were in support were replaced by non-pro Ganguly believer.

The man who make a fairytale, bolllywood style come back. Yes he make one of the odd comeback which turn out to be a fairy tale. Against an hostile office bearer, and environment he was there all alone struggling for no reason of being out of a side after scoring a test century.

He had been sacked as captain when he scored a century and India won a series for the first time against Zimbabwe in Zimbabwe. He has been droped when he played a solid experienced inning (with Yuvraj Sing) against SL to avoid giving opponent any chance of winning the series.

When chief selector announced he wont ever consider Saurov in the team, when coach Greg told he is mentaly unfit to be in team he fought back to the same team scoring a life and image saving double century, that too after scoring a century already in eden garden.

One can conclude that it you who decide on one's matter who the other person is, if one decide to move ahead no one can stop him from any impossible thing.

Chappel struggling with an never been famaous Rajasthn Cricket team, Kiram More, the Chief selector tring to earn his living through ICL after being an office bearer for BCCI. No doubt More is a lost man now after fail to stick with BCCI.

One who has been written off and then make a comeback is Saurov Ganguly...Royal Tiger of Bengal or The Prince of Bengal .....whatever you say...but its a tiger-spirit by the prince who is responsible for takin India to 600+score after 61/4.............SAURAV GANGULY....The greatness need not to be proved, its there to be seen by every other person

Monday, December 3, 2007

I Retired from Studentship---My Farewell Speech

December 2007 I completed my MS and with that my studies after a long succesful and decent 21 years of service to education. Today when I think of these 21 years...I surprised myself.

It all start at Bihar where I joined St. Joseph School for my nursey class. I dont have very good memories of that school, after all who would like to wake up early in the morning, for a bus to catch which take more than an hour to reach school. Luckily I moved to Kolkata after 1 year and no more that morning school hassel.

In Kolkata I joined Florence school for my KG's and then teh best thing happend to me....I was denied admission in almost every school...why???...cos I was underage for class1...Yeppiiiiii

So no school for 1 year and then my 3rd school..Narmada school-class1...Surprisingly I start loving goin to school...I dont like to skip schools and infact I used to get my bag and school uniform in the night only and I was very particular about my dresses, polished shoes, perfect iron creased shirt...HAHAHAHA

When I was in class 2 we moved to Kota, Rajasthan. It was a challenge for me...middle of a session to new school, new language Hindi, and obviously all the challenges of a transfer life.

Emmanuel Mission School my 4th School and the one where I discovered myself...a lot has happened in my life here...academic performance, sporting performance, awardes and head boys...a lot

I remember Kala Vijaya mam...who has played one of the beiggest role in shaping my life for lots of reason...She is the one who not only make me understand the importance of responsibility but also the importance of maintaing the status where you take the responsibilty. She has played the biggest role of getting the basic right at the tender age of my career.

After 4 year i.e from class 2nd to class 5th I had to moved to Najibabad for the same reason...father's new project. I took admission in St. Mary's School, my 5th school. Here I learn something handle the pressure and datelines...when I took admission the session was already 2 month done and my mid term was exact after 16 day of my I make myself prepare for the exam with a dozen of new subject like chemistry, physics, biology, history, geograpy and sanskrit even I cant recalled today but I did it that time successfully.

This school played a great role in my charecteristic. Though very short time but the 2 years that I had spent here has been one the best moment in my life. I enjoyed each and every moment I spent here in the campus of St.Mary's School, Najibabd. I would mention Pratibha mam here for the way she showed her confidence in me I would say even at that time I didn't had so much confidence on myself. But it been a short honeymoon and just after 2 years after completimg class 6th and class 7th I once again had to moved and this time it is Allahabad.

In Allahabad I joined St. Joseph school, 6th of my life. Some of the odd but memorable stuff happend in my life and biggest thing that ever occur in my life was all started here...and that cricket. Here I completed my class 8th, though i took admission in middles of session but by then I was very much experienced with all the difficulties and possible hurdles and so it never happend that I ever felt any problems in middles of session admission but trust me there were lots. The best school of my life...infact the 'bestest' if english literature permit me to say.

I was in class 9 when unexpectedly I was told that we were moving to Kota againg for some new project of my father. Damn I wasn't prepare for that and that what the worst thing happened I had to leave St. Joseph.

At Kota I took admission in St.Paul's School the 7th and last school of my career. I took admission in class 9th in October month another mid-session admission. I couldn't recover completly the mental stuff of leaving St. Joseph, my Allahabad school. Though mostly though I was doing good but that wasn't my best and only I could have understand that. I always perform below my potential because I couldn't leave behind the Allahabd and I was missing it like anything. I completed class 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th...another 4 years at Kota....that why it say History repeats itself.

After 12th I joined Gyan Vihar School of Engineering and College. I learnt the other side of life....If in school I learnt about "how, why and what' stuffs of life here I learnt "how not, why not and what not" stuffs of life. Its been dramatic, lively, adventourous and interesting...that what college life is suppose to be. Though 4 years in college has been bit long for my way of living but college life will always be too short. The 4 years come to an end in summer of June 2005 and the time to say syonara to college life.

After college I was intend to do Master and for some reason, I still didn't get it I have to come to US for my Master. 6 month latter in January 2006 I landed in US as a student of George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Some easy side of life and some interesting way of study. Not much to share this time as not surprisingly my nomadic nature continue here and after a very very short period of 6 months, a record of shortest duration I took trasfer to Syracuse University, New York. Gosh! if not my father than its me who took transfer...tradition US too.

After completing 1 semester I mover to Syracuse University, in July 2006. Time in Syracuse just flew by; 1-1/2 years and I completed my degree. Diplomacy and formal way of life became a new charactersitic of life-to some extend and life here is practical of what you understand in India. December 2007 and I completed my degree and with that a long 21 years of studentship. I was studying besides doing lots of other stuffs since last 21years-Feeling Great WooOoaaoOO!!!

Its been more than very nice time, a great learning experience and a Successfull Begining...
Here I formally announce my retirement from study and studentship...for the time being...

"I Wish Myself a Nice and Success Retire Life"