Monday, December 3, 2007

I Retired from Studentship---My Farewell Speech

December 2007 I completed my MS and with that my studies after a long succesful and decent 21 years of service to education. Today when I think of these 21 years...I surprised myself.

It all start at Bihar where I joined St. Joseph School for my nursey class. I dont have very good memories of that school, after all who would like to wake up early in the morning, for a bus to catch which take more than an hour to reach school. Luckily I moved to Kolkata after 1 year and no more that morning school hassel.

In Kolkata I joined Florence school for my KG's and then teh best thing happend to me....I was denied admission in almost every school...why???...cos I was underage for class1...Yeppiiiiii

So no school for 1 year and then my 3rd school..Narmada school-class1...Surprisingly I start loving goin to school...I dont like to skip schools and infact I used to get my bag and school uniform in the night only and I was very particular about my dresses, polished shoes, perfect iron creased shirt...HAHAHAHA

When I was in class 2 we moved to Kota, Rajasthan. It was a challenge for me...middle of a session to new school, new language Hindi, and obviously all the challenges of a transfer life.

Emmanuel Mission School my 4th School and the one where I discovered myself...a lot has happened in my life here...academic performance, sporting performance, awardes and head boys...a lot

I remember Kala Vijaya mam...who has played one of the beiggest role in shaping my life for lots of reason...She is the one who not only make me understand the importance of responsibility but also the importance of maintaing the status where you take the responsibilty. She has played the biggest role of getting the basic right at the tender age of my career.

After 4 year i.e from class 2nd to class 5th I had to moved to Najibabad for the same reason...father's new project. I took admission in St. Mary's School, my 5th school. Here I learn something handle the pressure and datelines...when I took admission the session was already 2 month done and my mid term was exact after 16 day of my I make myself prepare for the exam with a dozen of new subject like chemistry, physics, biology, history, geograpy and sanskrit even I cant recalled today but I did it that time successfully.

This school played a great role in my charecteristic. Though very short time but the 2 years that I had spent here has been one the best moment in my life. I enjoyed each and every moment I spent here in the campus of St.Mary's School, Najibabd. I would mention Pratibha mam here for the way she showed her confidence in me I would say even at that time I didn't had so much confidence on myself. But it been a short honeymoon and just after 2 years after completimg class 6th and class 7th I once again had to moved and this time it is Allahabad.

In Allahabad I joined St. Joseph school, 6th of my life. Some of the odd but memorable stuff happend in my life and biggest thing that ever occur in my life was all started here...and that cricket. Here I completed my class 8th, though i took admission in middles of session but by then I was very much experienced with all the difficulties and possible hurdles and so it never happend that I ever felt any problems in middles of session admission but trust me there were lots. The best school of my life...infact the 'bestest' if english literature permit me to say.

I was in class 9 when unexpectedly I was told that we were moving to Kota againg for some new project of my father. Damn I wasn't prepare for that and that what the worst thing happened I had to leave St. Joseph.

At Kota I took admission in St.Paul's School the 7th and last school of my career. I took admission in class 9th in October month another mid-session admission. I couldn't recover completly the mental stuff of leaving St. Joseph, my Allahabad school. Though mostly though I was doing good but that wasn't my best and only I could have understand that. I always perform below my potential because I couldn't leave behind the Allahabd and I was missing it like anything. I completed class 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th...another 4 years at Kota....that why it say History repeats itself.

After 12th I joined Gyan Vihar School of Engineering and College. I learnt the other side of life....If in school I learnt about "how, why and what' stuffs of life here I learnt "how not, why not and what not" stuffs of life. Its been dramatic, lively, adventourous and interesting...that what college life is suppose to be. Though 4 years in college has been bit long for my way of living but college life will always be too short. The 4 years come to an end in summer of June 2005 and the time to say syonara to college life.

After college I was intend to do Master and for some reason, I still didn't get it I have to come to US for my Master. 6 month latter in January 2006 I landed in US as a student of George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. Some easy side of life and some interesting way of study. Not much to share this time as not surprisingly my nomadic nature continue here and after a very very short period of 6 months, a record of shortest duration I took trasfer to Syracuse University, New York. Gosh! if not my father than its me who took transfer...tradition US too.

After completing 1 semester I mover to Syracuse University, in July 2006. Time in Syracuse just flew by; 1-1/2 years and I completed my degree. Diplomacy and formal way of life became a new charactersitic of life-to some extend and life here is practical of what you understand in India. December 2007 and I completed my degree and with that a long 21 years of studentship. I was studying besides doing lots of other stuffs since last 21years-Feeling Great WooOoaaoOO!!!

Its been more than very nice time, a great learning experience and a Successfull Begining...
Here I formally announce my retirement from study and studentship...for the time being...

"I Wish Myself a Nice and Success Retire Life"

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