Friday, October 19, 2007

My guess for year 2008

Year 2007 at its twilight,all are waiting...mostly all another New Year....2008. 2008 will be no different...things will changes, new controveries, new calamity, new terrorism and new scams.

But everything won't be new...

we will be again debate why India, a country of over 1billion still can't get a medal or just 1/2 medal where as Cuba and Nigeria winning more than India, even 1 or 2 gold.
Same old "new promises" for infrastructure, same old "new issues" and some arbitrary committee. Same new year but 2008.

A new academic year and same controversial 100 point scheme. Few good school, too many kids and within radius advantage, though radius range will increase...I mean will again increase to cover up the initial blunder ( just to cover up...not rectifying).

Some castism issue with one group claiming for quota category recognisation, and other group protesting against their demand. Once again Suprem Court has to step in to normalise to situation.

Some artist and writer has to face some agitate group of fundamentalist for having the luxuary of "freedom of artistic"

The New Year will see some terrorist attack and blast, some bollywood break up and some mingling, parliament-walkout of opposition... waiting for another NEW YEAR, Year 2008

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