Friday, October 19, 2007

My guess for year 2008

Year 2007 at its twilight,all are waiting...mostly all another New Year....2008. 2008 will be no different...things will changes, new controveries, new calamity, new terrorism and new scams.

But everything won't be new...

we will be again debate why India, a country of over 1billion still can't get a medal or just 1/2 medal where as Cuba and Nigeria winning more than India, even 1 or 2 gold.
Same old "new promises" for infrastructure, same old "new issues" and some arbitrary committee. Same new year but 2008.

A new academic year and same controversial 100 point scheme. Few good school, too many kids and within radius advantage, though radius range will increase...I mean will again increase to cover up the initial blunder ( just to cover up...not rectifying).

Some castism issue with one group claiming for quota category recognisation, and other group protesting against their demand. Once again Suprem Court has to step in to normalise to situation.

Some artist and writer has to face some agitate group of fundamentalist for having the luxuary of "freedom of artistic"

The New Year will see some terrorist attack and blast, some bollywood break up and some mingling, parliament-walkout of opposition... waiting for another NEW YEAR, Year 2008

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

American in India and Indian in America

Exactly 1 year ago I landed at International Airport Dulles at Washington DC. I wasn't as much confused or excited as was dissapointed for being forced to come here. As I come out of the airport Swarvanu who was to pick me spot me at once. The journey from the airport to house which was going to be my new home soon was quite. Most of the time I compared US with my India. The roads, traffics, peoples and the greenaries. There wasn't much difference to point out except the excellent traffic system in US and "cows on the road" in India. Being used to lead a nomadic life for past 24 years I didn't find at all difficult to adjust with my new roommates and new place. If I think to be in just another new place I never get the feeling of being in THE US. As I reached my new home I saw a packet there for me. My uncle already send a cell-phone for me. Next few weeks went as usual getting familiared with university, proffesors and stuffs. Today as I complete 1 year I find myself helping a new student who landed here a few weeks ago, in getting a cell phone. By the time we are done my cousin asked me whether I would like to join him for a party at his university. Since its a vacation time for me there isn't any reason why I should not. My cousin introduce me to his proffesor who return from India a week ago. I ask him the most obvious question that would come in mind 'how you like India?" The proffesor, dean of architecture department is amazed seeing India. He had been in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai...and a few more places. I feel proud getting his reply"...India very beautiful country. There is a lot of scope for architecture. Its construction everywhere mostly roads and overbridges..." So I India has joined the race in the area...roads and traffic...I think.His reply continue ".....and you can see cows and dogs on the roads." This is what come to my mind exactly one year ago when I came to US. Now I am hearing exactly the same from an american proffesor. What a coincidence! I thought. He continues "...people here still have the thinking that India is a country where cows are on the road. That not exactly what India is. India is actualy the coming power nation. Its making so much development in infrastructure and construction..." Its good to hear such sweet things about India but at the end "cows are on the road". I am back to my room sitting with my laptop surfing for the latest score in the Bengal vs Rajasthan Ranji Match which is follows by latest headlines in India and then I thinks about the cows that are on the roads....